DWI handcuff

Jail Release in Austin

Finding out that a friend or family member has been arrested and is in jail can be very scary. Loved ones at home can feel overwhelmed, anxious, and simply not know how to help. When it comes to jail release in Austin, there are a few important things for loved ones to know. At Stephen Bowling, we are always available to help speed up the jail release process. Read on to learn more about the jail release process.

Inmate Reporting System

If a loved one is arrested, the first step is to figure out which jail they’ve been taken to. Fortunately, Travis County has an Inmate Population Reporting System so that family members and friends can check to see if their loved one is at the Travis County Jail in downtown Austin. Once you know where they are located, it is time to start learning about jail release in Austin.

Pretrial Investigations and Bond

The judge is the person who will set the bond after a release. Next comes the pretrial investigations. During pretrial investigations, information will be gathered about the person who was arrested. This includes background checks and reference calls. At Stephen Bowling, we attend these investigations and get a bond package to interview the person who has been arrested. After the background check is completed, the judge will either approve or deny the bond. Also, the judge will be more likely to approve the bond if it is presented by an attorney. Once the bond is approved, it will be taken to the jail to be processed.

Jail Release in Austin

After the bond is approved and sent to the jail, the arrestee will be released. This can take anywhere from 2-4 hours after the bond is received.

Expediting the Process

At Stephen Bowling, we work to expedite jail release in Austin. By attending the pretrial investigations and bringing the bond package to the judge, we stand a better chance of the judge approving the bond. In addition, we will take the bond package to the Jail Bonding Office to get processed for the arrestee’s release. Without the help of an attorney, this process takes a lot longer. Also, the arrestee is placed in a long line of all the other inmates who need bond approval. In conclusion, the help of an attorney can push the process to move faster.

If your loved one has been arrested and you need information about jail release in Austin, call Stephen Bowling right away. We are DWI and criminal defense attorneys with experience in the process of expediting jail releases. For more information about the services we provide, contact us today.

Austin Office
816 Congress Ave, Suite 950
Austin, Texas 78701

San Antonio Office
700 N St Mary’s St, Suite 1457
San Antonio, Texas 78205