Expungement Attorney in Austin

If you are seeking a fresh start in Austin, Texas, expunging your criminal record can be a big help. This blog post explains the process, from the specific steps you need to take to clear your criminal history to how an expungement attorney in Austin can assist you. Whether you are dealing with a minor infraction or a more serious misdemeanor that is interrupting your life, we will provide you with essential insights on navigating Texas law to help restore your reputation.

What Is An Expunction, And How Does It Work In Texas?

An expunction, also known as expungement in Texas, is a legal process that allows individuals to erase arrests and convictions from their records under certain circumstances. Governed by the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 55, an expunction can completely remove information about an arrest, charge, or conviction from your public records. 

This means that once an expunction is granted, you can legally deny the occurrence of the arrest, and the expunged records cannot be used in future criminal justice processes. An expunction can be a complicated process, making it essential to consult a knowledgeable expungement attorney in Austin to help you understand the specific legal steps involved.

Does An Expunction Completely Erase Your Criminal Record In Texas?

In Texas, an expunction effectively erases your criminal record, meaning that once an expunction is granted, your criminal history concerning that specific arrest, charge, or conviction becomes legally non-existent. 

This includes the removal from public databases, ensuring that these records do not appear in standard background checks used by employers, landlords, and other parties. 

However, it is important to note that certain government bodies may still retain access under specific legal circumstances. Still, this information is generally inaccessible to the public or standard background checks.

Who Is Eligible For An Expunction In Texas?

Eligibility for an expunction in Texas hinges on several factors specified under the law. Generally, you may qualify for expunction if you meet one of the following conditions:

  1. Acquittal: You were acquitted of the charges by a judge, jury, or appellate court decision.
  2. Pardon: You were pardoned by the Governor of Texas or the President of the United States.
  3. Wrongful Arrest: You were arrested but never formally charged, and the statute of limitations has expired.
  4. Dismissal: Your case was dismissed, and there was no court-ordered probation or community supervision for the offense (except for Class C misdemeanors).

It is important to review the specific details of your situation with an experienced Austin expungement attorney to determine if you qualify for an expunction.

What Are The Benefits Of An Expunction?

Securing an expunction offers a variety of significant benefits that can profoundly impact your personal and professional life. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Employment Opportunities: Many employers conduct background checks, and having a clean record can significantly improve your job prospects.
  • Housing Applications: Similar to employment, rental applications often include background checks. An expunction can remove barriers to securing housing.
  • Educational Opportunities: Educational institutions may review your criminal record for admission and financial aid. An expunged record can ease these processes.
  • Personal Reputation: An expunction legally clears your name, allowing you to state that you have not been convicted of or arrested for the crime in question.
  • Professional Licenses and Certifications: Many professions require a clean criminal record for licensing. An expunction can be crucial in these cases.

These benefits highlight the transformative nature of an expunction, giving you the chance to move forward without the shadow of past mistakes looming over your future.

What Criminal Offenses Can Be Expunged In Texas?

In Texas, the range of criminal offenses eligible for expunction includes, but is not limited to:

  • Class C Misdemeanors: If you received a deferred adjudication for a Class C misdemeanor, you might be eligible for an expunction.
  • Arrests Not Leading to Conviction: If you were arrested but not convicted, and the charges were dismissed, you could apply for an expunction.
  • Acquittals: If you were tried and acquitted of the charges by a jury or judge, your record qualifies for expunction.
  • Certain Juvenile Offenses: Juvenile misdemeanors punishable by fine only or certain alcohol offenses by minors qualify for expunction.

This list is not exhaustive, and the specifics of your case may allow for different or additional offenses to be expunged. 

What Criminal Offenses Cannot be Expunged?

Despite the broad scope of Texas’ expunction law, certain criminal offenses in Texas are ineligible for expunction, including:

  • Convictions: If you have been convicted of a crime, that record generally cannot be expunged, except under specific circumstances like certain juvenile offenses.
  • Serious Felonies: Crimes such as murder, aggravated assault, and other felonies typically do not qualify for expunction.
  • Sex Offenses: Charges involving sexual crimes, especially those requiring sex offender registration, are not eligible for expunction.
  • Domestic Violence: Convictions for domestic violence offenses are usually excluded from expunction.

How Long Does Expunction Take?

The timeline for obtaining an expunction in Texas can vary based on several factors, including the complexity of the case and the workload of the courts. Generally, the process can take anywhere from three to six months, although some cases may resolve faster or slower. Understanding this timeline can help you set realistic expectations and prepare for the necessary steps in the expunction process.

What Steps Should I Take to Expunge My Criminal Record in Austin?

Expunging a criminal record in Texas involves a series of systematic steps, which you must follow carefully to ensure success. Here is a list of the steps involved in this process:

  1. Confirm Your Eligibility: Review the specific requirements for expunction as outlined in Texas law or consult with an experienced expungement attorney in Austin to determine if your case qualifies.
  2. Obtain Your Criminal Record: You will need a complete copy of your criminal record to accurately complete your petition for expunction.
  3. File a Petition: Prepare and file a petition for expunction in the district court where the arrest or charge occurred. This document must include all necessary details and be formatted according to court requirements.
  4. Notify Involved Parties: Law enforcement agencies and the district attorney must be notified of your petition, as they have the right to contest the expunction.
  5. Attend the Hearing: Be present at the hearing, where a judge will review your case. This is your opportunity to argue why your record should be expunged.
  6. Follow Up: After the expunction is granted, ensure all relevant agencies have complied with the court order to erase your record.

An expungement attorney can ensure you understand each step and are prepared to engage with the process thoroughly.

Do I Need An Attorney for An Expunction In Texas?

While it is possible to pursue an expunction on your own, hiring an experienced Austin expungement attorney can significantly enhance your chances of success. An attorney can help ensure all the legal criteria are met, and your petition is prepared correctly.

Your attorney will handle the filing and notifications and can represent you during court hearings, relieving you of the stress and technicalities of the process. A seasoned attorney will also be familiar with the local court system and know how to effectively argue your case.

Engaging a qualified Austin criminal defense attorney might represent an additional expense, but the investment can prove worthwhile by saving you time and improving the

Austin Office
816 Congress Ave, Suite 950
Austin, Texas 78701

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700 N St Mary’s St, Suite 1457
San Antonio, Texas 78205