If you are arrested for DWI in the state of Texas, it is a very serious crime. Not only will you face criminal charges for driving while intoxicated, but you will also have to defend yourself in civil court at an ALR hearing. An ALR hearing is where the Department of Public Safety determines whether…

If you are arrested for DWI in Texas, there are two separate cases you have to defend yourself against. One is the criminal charges for driving while intoxicated. The other is a civil case called an Administrative License Revocation ALR hearing. The civil case begins the moment that you are arrested, and it has nothing…

In Texas, law enforcement takes driving while intoxicated very seriously, as does the court system. It is one of the harshest states on people convicted of DWI, with those who are arrested facing losing their license. If you are arrested under suspicion of DWI, it is important to understand the difference between a Texas ALR…

In Texas, a DWI arrest and conviction comes with some serious consequences both criminally and civilly. If you are arrested for DWI, a criminal case vs DPS civil case are handled differently and in different courts. A civil case typically involves the dispute between people, or, in some instances, organizations. A criminal case involves an…

Texas is one of the toughest states for those who are guilty of DWI. If you are facing DWI charges, you might be exploring ways to keep yourself from the consequences of conviction. Expungement is when the DWI is removed from a record as if it never happened. The only way to get your DWI…

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816 Congress Ave, Suite 950
Austin, Texas 78701

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700 N St Mary’s St, Suite 1457
San Antonio, Texas 78205