Going to trial for a DWI in Texas can result in swift and severe consequences. Before you go to trial, it is imperative that you understand all the things that can inject doubt into your case. Just because you failed a breathalyzer test, that does not necessarily mean that you are automatically guilty. There are…

If you have been arrested for DWI in the state of Texas, being found guilty can come with some harsh consequences. However, even if you failed a breathalyzer test, that doesn’t make you guilty. For breathalyzer tests, there is an “acceptable margin or error.” Even if the machine is working properly, there might still be…

Being found guilty of DWI in the state of Texas is extremely serious. And it can come with some pretty disastrous consequences. That is why it is important to know how to defend yourself against your arrest charges. If you have failed a breathalyzer test, that does not automatically mean that you will be found…

For some people, prescription drugs are not an option but a necessity. According to the Mayo Clinic, nearly seven in ten Americans take one type of prescription drug at any given time. That means that many people are driving around in the state of Texas on medication. However, just because it is prescribed by a…

The state of Texas is one of the harshest states in the union on those who are arrested for DWI. In Texas, driving while intoxicated is a criminal offense like in other states. But in the state of Texas, if you are arrested, you could have your license suspended even before you defend yourself in…

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