DUI convictions aren’t just a regrettable mistake. They can have serious repercussions on the rest of your life. You’ll have to fill out applications listing whether or not you’ve been convicted of a crime. You could also be precluded from jobs that require a certain level of security clearance to perform. If you get pulled…

No one ever expects to be arrested. It often comes as a surprise due to some lapse in judgment or mistake. Being on the receiving end of arrests and criminal charges can be traumatizing. The first thing that goes through people’s head is often, “What will everyone think of me?” and then immediately it’s “Do…

Getting pulled over by the police is never fun. An arrest and charges for DWI can add significant stress and pressure to any police stop. Drunk driving should always be avoided because it can endanger the driver and anyone in the car or on the street. However, not every DWI case is black and white….

Being charged with drunk driving can be devastating. Most people go into a panic about how their life will potentially be impacted. They worry that they’ll never be able to drive again or wonder how they will deal with the public stigma attached to a DWI. Drunk driving offenses are certainly nothing to take lightly….

Underage drinking is a problem across the country. Here in Texas, we regularly see underage DWI because teenagers are often afraid to tell their parents they are drinking, so they attempt to drive home themselves. Younger people also aren’t regularly exposed to the consequences of drunk driving. Though by no means the majority, underage DWIs…

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